Inclusive Education

We, at G.D.Goenka, believe that every student can learn. If they cannot learn the way we teach, then we teach the way they learn.
The school has a unit in the name of ‘The Helping Hands’ which comprises of two Special Educators and two remedial teachers. We aim at modifying the teaching strategies to meet the learning styles and academic needs of the children at all levels. We focus on learning intentions aiming at ‘SKILLS and CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT.’
The screening of all the children begins in Junior school. This is done by ongoing observations in various environments, feedback from teachers & parents about the learning gaps, if any.
On the basis of consistent informal assessment, children are considered for individual or small group academic sessions. These sessions are child centric with the objective to ensure that the learning development for each child and knowledge goals are met. These learning objectives also form the basis of assessments for internally mapping each child’s progress and feedback to parents.
Children with concerns are further referred for formal assessments to the professionals outside the school. Based on those assessment reports, children become eligible for CBSE exemptions during exams. Our Special Educators have been trained in multi-sensory approaches and Play based learning like Brain Gymming (for memory building), Sand Tray Therapy (for behaviour modification), Sonday System and Jolly Phonics (for teaching reading and spellings) by internationally acclaimed eminent trainers. We follow Learning Strategies Curriculum (Acquisition Strand) with our Middle and Senior School students. Many Workshops are organised throughout the year to ensure that teachers are well-equipped with alternative pedagogic strategies to deliver the curriculum. Our Counsellors and Special Educators continue to explore means through which we may cater to the diverse needs of students, facilitated with their keen participation in various Seminars and Workshops.
A combination of patience, compassion and knowledge helps us to cater to the individual learning needs, stimulating children to reach their full potential. This enables them to tackle challenges ahead-both within the classroom and outside.