Inclusive Education

Career Counselling is an integral facet in a student’s life as it is instrumental in channelizing time and resources. With a more determined pathway, a learner feels empowered to hurl towards his dreams. With regular monitoring over students’ aptitude and interests, our qualified counsellors guide our learners to re-discover, explore and unveil their personal and professional competencies, equipping them to turn into confident and well-informed aspirants.
Students’ career guidance sessions and individualized parent interaction are pivotal in paving the way towards making conscious decisions.
Taking right steps at the right time ensures success and contentment, preparation for this commences right in the early years, with assessments and aptitude tests followed by feedback and guidance on specific skill areas so that they take well-informed decisions. The aptitude tests provide insights into deciding the field that is in sync with the aspirant’s profile and skill set.
Enabling them with life skills to lay foundation for quintessential leadership qualities in the ‘stellars-to-be’, they are exposed to myriad of opportunities and challenges in a guided and motivated environment to accredit them to realize their potential and pursue their passion.