November 22, 2017
A workshop on ‘Exploring Maths for Digital India’ was organized by SPARC Wing of Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation on 22nd November 2017 at Brahmakumaris, Gyan-VigyanBhawan, Derawal Nagar, Delhi. It was attended by the Mathematics teachers of the school. Resource persons- Dr.AditiSinghal, Dr.SudhirSinghal and Sister B.K.Lata presided over the workshop whichbegan with the discussion on Maths phobia and the reasons behind it. The causes of under achievement in maths were discussed, which broadly includes lack of concept clarity, lack of practice and one dimensional maths. The solution to these problems were as follows
M- Motivational Strategies
A- Asking the right question
T- Techniques for fast calculation
H- Have discussions
S- Self-belief
And hence multiple joy of learning maths was discussed. Several recreational activities were done along with discussions.
Dr. Sudhir discussed about Smart Maths for Smart Generation. A software ‘Geogebra’ which is freely available was shown and its applications for higher classes were discussed. Assessment through plickers.com were discussed and explained by taking various examples.
At the end, Sister B. K. Lata gave a talk on Virtue theorem from zero to infinity. It was on moral education, values and importance of meditation in life. It was an enriching learning experience.