“Winners don’t do different things. They do things differently”. Belief in this thought is what make Goenkans excel in various fields.
On 19th January, 2019, the school felicitated the meritorious students in the Scholastic Excellence Award Ceremony, a Goenkan initiative to recognize and applaud academic excellence in students from classes VI-XII based on their consistently brilliant performance in the last three term examinations. This year the school also took pride in felicitating the 100% subject toppers and overall toppers of classes X and XII. The programme commenced with the welcoming of guests, an enlightening speech by the Principal and Mr. Shivam Goel, revered member of the management, followed by the award ceremony wherein more than 100 meritorious students were conferred with a trophy and certificate of excellence by members of the Management and School Principal, Mrs. Anuradha Pant. The proud parents cheered on as the school hailed its scholastic heroes. The ceremony instilled a sense of pride in the high achievers and motivated them to reach for the stars. An Indian music Composition, exquisite Indian dance and a western music performance brought vivacity to the atmosphere and were enjoyed by one and all. The ceremony concluded with the national anthem, followed by vote of thanks.