Salaam to Kalam: A Tribute to Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam

Salaam to Kalam: A Tribute to Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam
Morning Assembly, July 27, 2018
Students of Class X-B, in memoriam A.P.J. Abdul Kalam presented a motivational Morning Assembly on July 27 – the third death anniversary of the great legend. To revive the memories of the infectiously optimistic man, an extract from Dr. Kalam’s famous speech ‘Be Unique, Be Remembered’ was played. As his glorious words filled the hall, the audience was enchanted with the humility and dedication he exemplified, presented by the students through the use of a Film-reel. Snippets from the great hero’s sojourn with destiny were shared in the form of a tribute.
The quiz buzz for the day was also designed around Dr. Kalam’s life. Rendition of the National Anthem brought the assembly to a close.