To add the colours of glory and strength to the pleasant morning of 25 January 2018, the school celebrated the 69th Republic Day and dedicated it to the women of the nation. The grand programme commenced with Flag hoisting by the Members of the Management and School Principal, Ms Ritu Pathak, followed by the National Anthem. Addressing the students, Mr Vipul Garg, School Chairman highlighted that women should feel free to be strong and urged everyone to view gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals. The celebration continued with a cascade of incredible performances as the audience evoked national zeal to the mellifluous medley ‘We the people’ that perfectly painted the portrait of the multi-lingual India. The poignant act ‘Poised to Rise’ aptly and beautifully illustrated that every girl must have the right to make her life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in her imagination. The exuberating programme culminated with an inspiring speech given by the School Principal.