Initiating all the children into actively participating and honing their oratory skills, English Declamation Event for Class VII was held at the school on April 21, 2017. Five students each from all the sections of Class VII participated in the English Declamation on thought provoking topics like ‘Beauty attracts the eyes but personality captures the heart’, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’, ‘What Patriotism means to me?’, ‘A friend Online is a friend indeed’ and ‘Actions speak louder than words’. The orators made an indelible mark in the hearts of the audience as they brought out some amazing details about their topics. The parents of the participants were also a part of the audience and thoroughly enjoyed the presentations.
The participants were prepared, trained and guided about their facial expressions, body movement, gestures, intonation and pronunciation by their respective English teachers. All the orators exhibited great oratorical skills and put forth their viewpoints brilliantly. Feedback was given to them, focusing on their strength and areas of improvement. The school believes that declamation is one of the integral activities that provides the students a platform to express themselves. This event actually helped in developing essential skills of public speaking, thereby, boosting the participants’ confidence to face audience comfortably.
Kartikay Vats of Class VII B was adjudged the best speaker followed by Kush Garg of Class VII D and Saloni Goel of VII C at Second and Third position. Mishika Soni of VII D was appreciated for her special efforts.