“Poetry is just the evidence of life” – Leonard Cohen
Students of Class XD celebrated the National Poetry Writing Month in the Morning Assembly held on 27 April 2018. The comperes Jenit Kaur
Chadha and Alisha Makol traced the origin of the event, emphasizing on
the need of celebrating Poetry as not just an Art form, but also as a dream
and vision for our lives. Poetry, as they mentioned, not only promotes
aesthetic awareness but also fosters emotional and political resilience. The Assembly began with the Morning Prayer followed by a thought read out
by Vansh Mittal. A Radio Show was presented by Hazel Bhardwaj
(Host of NPR on National Broadcast) and Raina Gupta (as Poet Laureate of the United States, Tracy K. Smith) wherein the journey of evolution of a
poet was traced as Tracy provided valuable insights through an
introspection of her development as a poet. Gaurang Dua and Aryan
Hinduja read aloud two poems- Mary Oliver’s Thirst and Wislawa
Szymborska’s Some Like Poetry which were poems reflecting on the nature and process of writing poetry.
These performances were followed by a quiz conducted by Prateek
Aggarwal. The Assembly was concluded with the National Anthem.