October13, 2017
The counselling department of the school conducted the assembly to commemorate “World Mental Health Day”; which is celebrated on 10 October every year. The motto was to make the students and teachers aware about the importance of Mental health ; and how important it is to break the stereotypes and come forward to express.
Beginning with the morning prayer, the assembly proceeded to addressing the gathering about the relevance of mental and emotional health. The chorus song “Ye Hausla Kaise Jhuke” enlightened the importance of never giving up. It was followed by a Poem recited by a grade 11 student. A Dance-Drama was also staged entitled “I am just like you….I am you” was staged by the students; the act highlighted the importance of everyone being the same, and that there shouldn’t be any discrimination with individuals with special needs. The assembly was wrapped up by Ms.Niharika Singhal (Counselor) addressing the students to come up and speak about any concerns they face which would help in the healing process. The National Anthem marked the end .