August 18, 2017
The Assembly of Class XC was conducted on 18 August 2017. The theme selected for the same was ‘Identity Exploration in Adolescence’. Through this theme resounding Dylan Thomas’ profound verse, the comperes Sarthak Barik and Kashish Aggarwal attempted to inspire the adolescents to not give up on their quest for identity exploration, but keep up their struggle to carve out a niche for themselves. The comperes asserted upon the need to explore identity within the larger context of humanity, tying together the strands of both individualism and collectivism for each adolescent. The Assembly began with the Morning Prayer followed by a thought read out by Vatsal Singhla. Sejal Aggarwal and Stuti Nagpal performed two pieces of Spoken Word Poetry form woven around Thomas’ aforementioned verse. Both pieces sought to trace the narrative of a conflicted adolescent experiencing the roller coaster ride of his/her tumultuous age with means and hope of finding and asserting their identity. These performances were followed by a quiz conducted by Raghav Gupta. The Assembly concluded with the National Anthem.