C. Everett Koop once said, “Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation.” In this dynamic environment, one of the greatest challenges faced by parents and teachers today is to inculcate life skills, values and attitude in children so that they become confident and responsible individuals. Doing its bit, the school organised a workshop for parents to apprise them of ‘School Cinema’ programme that would be introduced in the new academic year. The session, conducted by the Middle School Incharge, threw light on various aspects of the film-based module through a well-designed PPT. The audience were also shown a few movies to give them a fair understanding of how cinema, as an instructional medium, unifies learning and entertainment. The innovative concept left an indelible imprint on everybody’s mind because of the freshness it brings to the existing Life-Skills based curriculum as it is replaced with an engaging and enlightening system of learning.