A joyous milieu was palpable on the occasion of Children’s Day Celebration in the School. The day, planned by the teachers in fond memory of our revered leader Pd. Jawaharlal Nehru, unfolded a series of fun activities lined up to entertain and edify the students of classes III- VII.
The pleasant morning witnessed young Goenkans ardently participating in a gamut of sports activities such as Ball Relay, Frog Jump, Ball Passing (under the leg), Hurdle Race (hop), Making 8 (group), 4x 10 Shuttle Run , 4x 30 mt. Relay, Hurdle Race , Basketball Throw and Standing Broad Jump. The jubilant faces and exuberant spirits of students while participating and cheering for their classmates electrified the atmosphere, keeping alive the spirit of childhood.
The eventful day progressed through an ‘On the Spot Talent Hunt’ conducted by the class teachers in the respective classrooms to encourage the students to showcase their innate talent in the arena of dance, singing, oratory and stand-up comedy. The zealous participation of endowed Goenkans in the talent hunt and partying with their friends thereafter filled the air with the vibes of fun and brought bountiful of joy and mirth to everyone. The fun-filled day came to a close with a ‘Cleanliness Competition’ wherein the cleanest class, level-wise, was rewarded by the Middle School Incharge.