‘Astronomy is a subject of inquisitiveness, whose attraction will continue unabated and it should be linked with ancient science for enriching it.’
To augment the Global Astronomy Month (GAM) celebrations, students were propelled with astronomical inquisitiveness through various activities.
Activity 1: Make your own satellite, April 5, 2018
Students of Class IX learnt about the parts and features of satellite. They made models of satellite using recyclable material and understood its use and working.
Activity 2: Lunar Exploration, April 10, 2018
Students of Class VIII participated in Lunar Exploration event wherein they identified different features of MOON using moon posters. They were also shown a presentation through which they learnt different features of the moon and its surface.
Activity 3: Opticks, April 15, 2018
Students of Class VIII D participated in Opticks. It was live Networking performance between the Earth and the Moon, during which images are transmitted to the Moon and back as radio signals in real time.
Students saw this image conversion and its live performance on Facebook.
Activity 4: Sun-Day, April 16, 2018
Students celebrated Sun-Day. Safe Solar Observation was organized for Classes IV to VIII. Students were amazed to see the sun with solar view goggles and telescope. A presentation about different facts and features of the magnificent sun was shown to the young astronomers.
Activity 5: Aryabhatta: India’s First Artificial Satellite, April 21, 2018
Remembering India’s First Artificial Satellite Aryabhatta (first unmanned Earth satellite built by India was launched on 19 April 1975) on its 43rd anniversary, Students of classes VII to IX were shown a video of its launch on 19th April 2018.
Activity 6: Earth Day, April 24, 2018
Students of Class IX celebrated Earth Day to increase awareness among people about environmental protection. They not only made ‘best out of waste’ items, but also organized an awareness rally to spread the message.
Activity 7: Cosmic Concert, April 26, 2018
Students of Class VIII watched Cosmic Concert 2018 that was a collection of compositions and improvisations conceived as a visual and poetic exploration of the universe. Giovanni Renzo performed his music drawing inspiration from the videos and photos contributed by the people around the world.