Advance Taekwondo Kyorugi Training and Refresher Seminar

Advance Taekwondo Kyorugi Training and Refresher Seminar
Taekwondo, the sport of self defence is no longer a mere recreational activity in the modern world. It has achieved great heights and Goenkans are determined to leave their imprint in this sport as well.
Tanush Gupta of class VII D and Tanmay Aggarwal of VIII D attended the advance Taekwondo Kyorugi Training Seminar on November 25- 26, 2017 organised by World Taekwondo Federation-Kukkiwon, Korea. The sporting stalwarts felt privileged as they were trained by Mr. Yong Lee Wan, 7th Dan Black Belt, Grand Master Korean Culture Centre, Embassy of Republic of Korea. They were also awarded with a certificate and a trophy on successful completion of the two days’ training session.