With an aim to develop the mental and moral faculties of our young and inquisitive Goenkans, a plethora of activities were conducted for the students of classes III-VII to participate and tremendously benefit from Author’s Time, Heritage Project, Spell Check, Moral Story Time, Handwriting Sessions, Culinary Extravaganza, Show and Tell, Maths Buzz and Life Skills Sessions.
To inculcate the reading habit amongst students, ‘Author’s Time’ was conducted wherein the students read short stories by renowned author Enid Blyton followed by a group discussion. The ‘Heritage Project’ acquainted the students with the rich culture of Punjab, allotted state of the month, as they worked together in groups, explored extensively about the state and shared their knowledge through a gripping presentation comprising of role plays, audio-visual aids, dances, quiz and use of varied props.
‘Spell Check’ sessions allowed the young learners to polish their spellings of English and Hindi words, Mathematical, and Scientific terms.
‘English Handwriting sessions’ aimed at encouraging students to improve their calligraphy skills. The students put their best foot forward to perfect their handwriting and Best Handwriting of the Day was adjudged by the teacher. ‘Show and Tell’ was an endeavour to hone the speaking skills of the students as they exhibited an object of their choice, and described it in their own unique manner.
‘Kathashaala- The Moral Story Time’ served as a great medium to pass on the invaluable treasure of moral values to the children as they listened each story with interest and shared their opinions and the message conveyed through the story.
To foster an interest in culinary arts while introducing students to a fun- filled, hands-on approach to food, ‘Culinary Extravaganza’ was organised wherein the little chefs prepared and served their delectable creations with warm hospitality.
In order to make the students revise and strengthen the mathematical tables, ‘Maths Buzz’ was conducted wherein the student volunteers from class VI & VII came up with interesting Math Games for the students of class III to V in their respective classrooms.
‘Life Skills Sessions’ on ‘Self Esteem’ and ‘Receiving and Giving Compliments’ were conducted to develop amongst children a greater sense of self-awareness and appreciation for others. The sessions were interactive and were conducted using meaningful and fascinating power point presentations.