
Unfathomable minds, like vessels in the vast seas, set out onto their voyage, unfamiliar with the ways. The angelic beacon light steers them through until they discover a new shore. This is where ‘pedagogy’ comes into play. To put it simply, the art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. Teachers do not discover, they ‘assist’ discovery. Teachers, like beacon lights, use different pedagogies to steer different learning outcomes from different set of students at different points of time.
The curriculum aims at creating ‘spherical-global’ learners. Coherence and relevance of the curriculum, horizontal and vertical progression, inter disciplinary approach, group discussion sessions augmenting into healthy argument are a few of the multitudinal emerging pedagogies we adopt to nurture an active, democratic and participative ethos amongst pupils. The prime focus at the senior level is to bring forth innovation in teaching-learning methodologies by devising student friendly and student centered paradigms, thus lending a ‘real time fun filled impactful experience’.
We use technology as the wings of education and enable students to do a lot of research work. The newly-introduced TeachNext digital modules makes classrooms more interesting with interactive sessions. Our pedagogies serve as a bridge between the curriculum and the outer world. Our use of Multiple Intelligence Theory forms the basis of the methodological practices thus fostering higher- order thinking amongst pupils and imparting various life skills to the students
To garner the essence and charm of languages, activities like ‘Predictive Story Telling’ ‘Spin a Yarn’, ‘Free Writing’, ‘Character Dramatization’, ‘Interactive Student Notebook’, ‘Corridors Response’, ‘Gallery walks’, etc are taken up.
Judicious use of PowerPoint presentations, group discussions, stimulation games, mock stocks, role plays, case studies kindle multi-sensory learning. Organizing field trips and exhibitions enable students to be multi-tasking and evolve holistically. ‘Ted Talks’ and ‘documentary screening’ lend learners avenues for honing their language skills.
The instruction of Commerce and Entrepreneurship aims for a fine blend of abstract theories applied to practical real world tasks. In Business Studies, concepts like Marketing Management, organizing and its principles are practiced with tasks such as mock marketing and selling. Case Studies are also take up to understand the functioning of reputed firms. Role Play on business organizations, mind mapping, real source documenting, films, news articles and success stories are taken up to catalyze the teaching learning process. I.T.R. camp solely managed by the students is the annual feature providing hands on experience to them.
Empowering our students to draw benefits from framework of Humanities by imbibing dynamics of the Social Science, Literature, Art and Culture the school offers application based pursuits namely mind feast sheets, online games, theatre, movie clippings and documentaries, Mock Parliament, quizzes and Itihaas Walks. Social Science being an integral component of the curriculum promotes understanding the environment in its entirety and developing a broader perspective with an empirical, reasonable and humane outlook so that they grow into well informed and responsible citizens who contribute to nation-building.
Initiating a new paradigm, Science is reconnoitred with the enquiry-based approach. Practical applications, illustrations, concept mapping, research based projects, quizzes, experiments and demonstration inspire creative articulation and scientific thought process. Science edification here communicates and arouses a mystique of scientific inclination through multiple opportunities and exhibitions to discover and unravel the world within and around.
With its child-centric approach to learning and astutely planned curriculum, the Middle school program keeps the young learners at pace with the accelerated academic challenges and acquire the quintessential life skills. The entire curriculum caters to different learning styles and engages students in critical thinking and problem solving. Research work on diverse topics or themes with a follow-up discussion is entwined with the regular teaching-learning process to make it more exciting and comprehensive. Flipped Instructional Strategy is the latest innovation wherein the dynamics of classroom environment being learner-centred. The newly-introduced Teach Next digital modules make learning a joyful and meaningful experience through its well-mapped content and effective presentation.
Creating language rich environment to fortify the communication skills, activities such as Story Narration, Free Writing, Show and Tell, Role Play, Enactment, Gallery Walk, Flash Cards, Poetry Recitation, Declamation, Vocabulary Enrichment Games, Interactive Student Notebook, A.V. Presentations, etc. are inter-woven in the pedagogy. In order to apprise students with the nuances of languages, research tasks are customized to help them traverse beyond the text. During daily D.E.A.R time spells, students learn to appreciate literature and authors.
The core objective behind teaching and learning of Mathematics is to enable the students to apply Mathematical language in real life. Thrust is laid on developing critical and analytical skills coupled with logical thinking. Use of Jodo Gyan Kit, Dummy Trick Technique, Story Narration, Role-Play, Mathematical Games, A.V. Presentations, Project work and Lab activities simplify the matrix of mathematics for the students.
Endeavouring to inculcate scientific temper and spirit of enquiry in the students, observation, experimentation, demonstrations, role play, research work, hands-on activities in lab & field and audio-video presentations form the core. Engaging warm up activities, mind maps, circle time, think- pair – share, sharing of facts and nuggets of information, etc. make the concepts retentive and indelible for the students. Since life skills are an intrinsic part of teaching methodology, a moral is embedded in young minds through every concept.
The instruction of Social Science aims at developing the students’ contextual understanding of culture, social fabric and internet of human relations. Story narration, role play, documentaries, quizzes, peer teaching activities, street plays are a few tools which mould them into responsible and contributive citizens.
Envisaging the importance of technology and computers in today’s education, students are given ample opportunities to derive hands on experiences and do a lot of research work. Integrated projects are assigned to them for reinforcement of the concepts. PowerPoint and film making ignite tech-zest in them.
An affirmative and joyful learning environment is provided at school with the notion of helping students recognize and create their own learning. Each subject is taught with a unique paradigm for imparting application based knowledge.
An Integrated approach wherein all the subjects are co-related with each other or different forms of art encourages a profound understanding of each core subject. Languages are taught through songs as students translate lyrics of famous Hindi and English songs in Sanskrit or French. Theatre holds a prominent place in education as students enact stories or dramatizes a character in the story.
Being the foundation years of a child’s upbringing, the curriculum at Junior level is crucially designed with a unique integration of varied approaches such as Play Way methods, Jolly Phonics, Jodo Gyan and Reggio Emilia approach which foster hands-on discovery learning among the young toddlers to stimulate creativity, inculcate scientific aptitude, augment mathematical and language skills and develop emotional intelligence.
A range of activities like poem recitation, story narration and enactments help strengthen language skills. The Phonetics Awareness programmes aid in acquiring phonic skills and gaining proficiency in letter-sound coordination. Learning of mathematics is initiated in a fun-filled manner, enabling young Goenkans grasp mathematical concepts. Role plays, AV presentations, experiments, hands-on activities, special assemblies and celebrations form an integral part of Environmental Studies curriculum.
Music, Dance, Theatre, Fine Arts and Technology actively unite to enrich the curricula. An Activity studio with its multifarious activities allows the young minds to think out of the box. The Physical Education programme nurtures a child’s passion to play and participate in Step up Sports and annual adventure camps wherein scores of activities develop basic body skills for stronger, fitter and more active children.
Participation in festival based cultural programmes; annual functions, talent Hunt, class assemblies, exhibitions and celebration of International days go a long way in the fruition of well-groomed value imbibed children.