About Us

Ms. Anuradha Pant
As I walk through the corridors of the school, beholding the multitudinal seeds effervescing with life; a life unfolding itself, it gives me immense joy.
Welcome to the portals of G D Goenka Public School, Sector 22, Rohini, an institution, where learning is a discovery and excellence – a tradition.
Goenka is for those who are experimenting with the cutting edge of contemporary thought and creative expression, for those who are willing to give shape to their aspirations and cherished dreams.
The school places premium on individual excellence and the touchstone of all our programs is active engagement of students in the child centric curriculum that helps the student discover innate capabilities, set life-long goals and proactively work towards their fulfillment. We impart formal education with a difference. The teaching-learning programs are marked with personal mentoring; students are encouraged work in collaborative teams and learn from peers. The emphasis is on innovative teaching strategies that provide experiential learning through project work, field work and case studies. We construct simulating learning environment, put pupils in the maze of real world scenarios and let them EXPERIMENT, EXPLORE and EXTRACT great lessons for life!
We create children who are Word smart, Logic smart, Nature smart, Picture smart, Body smart , Music smart, People smart and Self smart. And this is what they call Multiple Intelligence. We give them extended opportunities to work beyond a topic in a bid to entail a broad vision of education.
Well-equipped with state of the art infrastructure and a dedicated team of teaching faculty along with an administrative staff, our multi-dimensional focus is on learning as an experience for our students that exemplifies the spirit of collective, equity based responsible roles we all expect them to fulfill as they grow, unhindered, in right direction making well-informed choices and being well-developed individuals in harmony with the society.
Life at Goenka, however, is not just an academic fire-wall. At any time, the campus remains suffused with vibrant energy as the entire community revels in the creative pursuit of co-curricular activities – performing arts, workshops, visits, symposiums and sports, which we feel, are more than just recreation. They are about life, emotions, passions and one of the greatest highs we can achieve.
Our aim is to prepare children for life by nurturing them as inquirers, communicators, researchers and helping them incorporate the essential values of empathy and sympathy. Curiosity, equality, personal responsibility, speaking up and being heard are a few more aspects that are engrained in the students that make them stand out in the crowd.
G D Goenka is about its students- ‘the masterpieces in the making’ who are at the center of its vision: a vision that supports them to grow as higher, stronger, brighter individuals who holistically blossom into sensitive, compassionate & successful citizens of this country where they coordinate, cooperate and collaborate.
As the Bard of Avon says- ‘How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a weary world’
The journey begins with curiosity! The journey begins with you, dear students!
Good luck!
About the Principal
Ms. Anuradha Pant has an experience of over 28 years in the education circuit. She has been instrumental in the formulation and implementation of institutional policies, Strategic Operations Management and in providing academic leadership in curriculum designing, promoting child centric pedagogies and learner evolution.
Hailing from the Defence elite, Ms. Pant has had the opportunity of exploring diversities and thus upholds her strong faith in ethical values. She has therefore been propagating the idea of Emotional Intelligence and Scientific Attitude and bringing Life Skills to the classroom.
Ms. Pant served as an active member of Sahodaya, the team commissioned to formulate and implement Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation System in schools. She was awarded the ‘Young Achievers Award’ by the Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh for her remarkable contribution in the field of education. Besides, she has also been recognized as the ‘Best Teacher’ by C.M.S, Lucknow. She has been associated as a Chemistry specialist in schools of repute such as City Montessori School, Lucknow; KV; Amity International, Noida; D.R.S. Hyderabad and Mayoor School under the aegis of Mayo College, Ajmer. The schools under her able guidance recorded an unprecedented rise in academic performance index. As a Debater herself at University Level and also a National level Athlete, not only did she enhance the academic standards of the school, but also placed an equal emphasis on co-curricular and sports. She has presented papers and published several articles on C.C.E. and Educational reforms and pedagogy.
Under her profile as a YLE Trainer of The Cambridge English Program, she has nurtured in pupils the love for language. And currently as the Principal of GDGPS, Sector 22, Rohini, she continues to stride ahead and set higher benchmarks of achievement.