About Us

Thich Nhat Hanh
G.D.Goenka Public School, Sector-22, Rohini endeavors to promote an Education that emphasizes on the spirit of unceasing quest in life. The school nurtures a holistic environment capable of providing challenges and a vision that enables the learners to take these challenges in their stride. We believe that learning is a continuous process through which a learner is gradually initiated into the realm of self-reliance with the help of a panoramic vision provided by the facilitators at the school. This vision encompasses the confluence of resources and competencies brought together by various stakeholders- from the smallest unit of family to the school and the society and world at large.
At the heart of school ethos, lies the perpetual growth of students endowed with the potential to develop into tenacious beings capable of overcoming all challenges of life through their sheer fortitude. The school seeks to build strong and long-lasting partnerships with both parent community and students to continually and organically evolve as an indispensable cohesive unit of the society. Harnessing the advancement of digitalized education in the wake of universal scientific temperament, the school aims to create value- based enriched learning environments wherein the students consistently persist in their strife for excellence.
Mr. Vipul Garg
Mr. Mahavir Goel