The Sanskrit Day was celebrated in the school on October 27, 2017. It commenced with the traditional Lamp lighting followed by ‘Sholoka Uchharan’ by a class V student. The event witnessed a myriad of activities like ‘Show and Tell’, ‘Character Dramatization’ and ‘Story Narration’ by grade V, VI and VII respectively. The lively performances of Mowgli, Ravana and Krishna enthralled the audience while the personified “Sarvagataka Churana” that digests all the socio-political evils of our society stole the show. The skit “Andhjanaah Gajah Cha (The Blindmen and the Elephant)” by the students of class VIII and IX gave a deep message to the audience to look at things in wider perspective and avoid forming judgements or perceptions by just looking at one side of the coin .The show culminated with an enchanting Classical dance performance by a class V student.