It is rightly said that the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Reviving this very spirit, Class V-D visited Rashtriya Pragya Drishti Sansthan on August 30, 2017. The members of the NGO welcomed Goenkans with a hearty and warm smile. The students began their interaction by invoking the almighty in their prayer. Singing the song in unison brought the two groups close to each other. Later, the two groups participated in a number of activities like story telling, singing of English songs, poem recitation, etc. and had a great time. The healthy interaction filled the environment with bonhomie and brotherhood.
The students were overwhelmed to meet the visually impaired and were also inspired to see the positive attitude displayed by them. They enjoyed being taught the use of the Braille script which is a tool used by the blind for reading and writing.
The experience was worth cherishing for the students. They took inspiration from the strength and courage possessed by the visually impaired people in facing challenges of life.