New beginnings, new hopes, new aspirations and a host of fears! Change, they say, is the scariest apprehension. Whilst students launched themselves into yet another session of high school, packed with a lot of changes, the school held an induction session for the parents of students of class X on April 6, 2017. Presided over by Ms. Kusum Shekhawat and Ms. Ritu Pahuja, the workshop aimed to familiarize the parents with the modified CBSE program, and to address their anxieties and concerns.
The role of secondary education that aims to involve learners actively in the learning process and focusses on all round development of a child’s personality was brought to light. The significance of regular parent teacher interaction in formulating a child’s success was emphasized upon. The assessment design for class X with the introduction of the Board exams along with internal assessment was discussed in great detail. Besides effective study skills, code of conduct and norms of the school were also looked into. Parents were informed about the various channels of communication with the school including the website and the subject specific blogs.
Queries of parents pertaining to the evaluation pattern were settled during the session.